Cinematically I’ve been spoilt recently… Successful film adaptations of graphic novels Kick Ass and Scott Pilgrim have meant that numerous other page to screen translations have been given the greenlight. The Avengers ensemble movie is in the pipeline, the finishing touches have been made to the script of the latest Batman film and non-mainstream comics such as Preacher and The Boys could see their way to the big screen. My cinema-going calendar is already bulging.
To save myself from comic book movie overload I’ve decided to watch some films I would never dream of ordinarily. Films that would make my skin crawl and bring me out in cold sweats. You know the ones, where you pray the trailers last a little longer so that it’s another minute you're spared from hell. Hopefully it’ll make me appreciate the films I want to see just that little bit more.
To kickstart this new direction, I’ve decided to offer myself up as a sacrifice to the film gods and let others choose a bad film for me to review. Below is a list of three films that are currently in the cinemas which I would never go see under threat of torture. Whichever gets the most votes, I’ll watch and try to give a fair review (or maybe not, depending on how bad it is). I understand that one or more of the choices may actually to by your taste but then I’m also counting on my good taste in friends and anyone who may happen to stumble on here.
If you want to vote, leave a comment below, email me or let me know via the magic of Facebook. Voting closes at some stage over the weekend, or when I think to check back here.
1 - Eat Pray Love

2 - Pirahana 3D

3 - Marmaduke

The Masochist Film Review: Watching bad films so you don’t have to...